damages claim|damage claim in English

lawsuit demanding monetary compensation (for injury, loss, etc.)

Use "damages claim|damage claim" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "damages claim|damage claim" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "damages claim|damage claim", or refer to the context using the word "damages claim|damage claim" in the English Dictionary.


2. In case of damages, a claim Accrues, by definition in the statute of limitations, at the time that the wrong upon which the claim is based was done, regardless of the time when damage results

3. AVO may also claim damages in cases of malice aforethought or gross negligence.

4. Maintain claim register and proper contemporaneous claim records.

5. 24 On the other hand, a breach of warranty allows the aggrieved party to claim damages only.

6. Through representative or class actions, a group of plaintiffs collectively brings a claim for damages to court.

7. The NGO claimed the government used falsehoods against the four and filed a defamation claim for damages.

8. Claim yourself in defiance, in hope, in love, in fury, in gratitude. Claim the Light. Claim the Dark. Claim it all. Nothing can stay.

9. Victims of crime have a right to claim compensation/damages from the perpetrator under the Tort Liability Act.

10. Claim regarding local cable and wire (sub-claim 1)

11. alternatively, refer the case back to the General Court to rule on the Appellant's claim for damages; and

12. It's obviously that the damage is caused by rough handing, please claim to insurance agent.

13. The retailer's claim against the wholesaler is a claim for indemnity.

14. It is absolutely true that the theory of Real Right Act damages the seller 's interest and the fairness of trade by transforming the seller' s claim for ownership into claim for illegal profit.

15. The writer knows of no case prior to 1964 in which exemplary damages were awarded in a personal injuries claim.

16. A claim for Alimony is an Ancillary claim dependent upon the primary claim that there are sufficient legal grounds for a …

17. Have damage control report all damages.

18. Government officials and groups such as Scenic America regularly claim Billboards damage both aesthetics and traffic safety.

19. Employees’ Consents for the filing of a refund claim prior to filing the claim in order for the claim to be valid

20. Yeah, the claim adjuster.

21. We disproved her claim.

22. The present claim for damages must therefore be rejected in that it is based on the alleged unlawfulness vitiating the rejection decision.

23. Tort Claim Instructions Tort Claim Form Online Services County Clerk Creek County Employment Application

24. Claim for breach of contract - Barber Water Products Claim for general average - PrekookeanskaPlovidba Total *

25. Example Claim: 100% Biodegradable